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Old 04-09-2024, 08:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Apr 2024
Posts: 1
Default High Mount system for towing a tube..

Can anyone recommend any product that will support towing a tube, (or sometimes multiple tubes with adults) etc..? I've been looking into installing a wakeboard tower but have since reconsidered after hearing the cons of using a wakeboard tower to pull tubes.
The regular rope attachment for the tube on the boat is quite low and I find the rope is underwater for the most part and a guy cant have too much fun with the tube because of it. I've boughten that floating ball thing that goes inbetween the boat and the tube to keep the rope afloat but I would prefer a tower or another idea if someone had a high mount idea?
I do find it funny how they say to not tow from the wakeboard tower for fear of getting spider cracks in the fibre glass etc, but that factory mount water ski attachment on the boat is held on by drilling though the fibre glass and then putting the two washers on before the nuts. Not even a backing plate to give it extra support. I was surprised.
I've looked into installing a "tripod" in the back of the boat but I am not keen on loosing all of that interior space in the boat because of the side bars. I guess if thats what it comes down to I can make it work.

Does anyone have any insight on using wakeboard towers to pull tubes and what kind of tower? Appreciate the info...

Thanks guys..

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Old 04-10-2024, 04:45 AM   #2
Lt. JG
Join Date: May 2022
Posts: 30

Im curious as to what cons are for towing tubes on waketower, i guess a google search could answer that. ive had the same issue with towing and im actually installing a wake tower this weekend. i purchased a used but nice tower a while ago only thing was it came with no mounts due to not wanting to leave holes in the sellers boat. I just got some in from krypt. waketowers at almost $300 for just the feet. i have a ski pylon off a searay i had before i was thinking of mounting aswell but for same reasons i held off.
So if you dont mind I'll piggyback your post & sit in the back with open ears cause im way too leary about drilling holes in something that we need to stay floating. Thanks Luis

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Old 04-13-2024, 02:52 AM   #3
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My son has 21 ' Yamaha jet boat with a tower on it. From tubing to skiing and everything else the tower is the only way to go. So if you can, just make sure you are installing it correctly or have it professionally installed. Besides keeping the tow rope out of the water it has great storage capabilites and last you can mount some big speakers on it to piss off old farts like me when I'm on my boat relaxing. Lol !

Good luck

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tube tower, tube towing, wakeboard tower

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