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Old 07-17-2007, 11:51 PM   #1
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Default Newbie here. Gota Tilt gauge problem, low RPM/Idle struggle

Okay first let me introduce myself. I'll be a resident search/post whore for a little bit. I usually work on mustangs, building them, racing them, ect. Got a 600+HP stang in the stable with 2 others. I decided to try boating and found one that I love. Turns out its a Maxum.

Here's what I got....

1996 1700MF with a Force 120 2-stroke outboard. Its pretty cool! I love it so far. I've had it out on the lake twice.

When I got the boat the tilt gauge dosn't function. Is this an easy thing to correct? how do I go about fixing it? Part numbers are my friend.

The engine midly struggles at sub 2000 rpm and at idle. Is this normal for a 2-stroke? I'm told they don't like low RPM. I ran into a problem the first time out that it kept dying. I got a service manual that explained how to raise the idle. I did so from 450rpm to 850-900 rpm. This seemed to help ALOT in fixing the problem. But it still does it sometimes when I put it in gear it will stall out.

Yesterday as per a good friend thats a local boat guy told me to run some Seafoam through it. I did so and it seems to run much better in my driveway at least....we'll see how it does at the lake.

Any suggestions on giving this Force 120 a tune up? I cleaned all the spark plugs and they look brand new. I also blasted the carbs pretty good with carb cleaner then sea foam throught them.

Also top speed is around 33mph with the trim perfect on glass water. Shouldn't this go faster? The highest I can get it to go on the tach is about 4800rpm.

Thanks, I look forward to being on the board.

1996 Maxum 1700MF
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Old 07-18-2007, 03:13 AM   #2

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Hey SSC ...welcome to the zoo....unfortunately I'm not that familiar with 2 strokes except motorcycles.....but...I do know the force outboards are problematic with head problems....if you get a might wanna retorque the head to make sure the bolts don't back off...tune up is pretty basic I guess...keeping the valves adjusted is big.....luckily the carbs are an easy fix......just make sure you keep them synch'd...that helps alot....that's what usually will mess up an idle and throttle response....using those mercury tubes is good...or a uni-synch....a little tougher to use but works just as well........

as for the tilt trim indicator....look at the joint where the outboard tilts up...there should be a sensor there....check it to see if there was any water intrusion....if it's ok..then it's probably the connection at the gauge.....

hope this helps....welcome again to the zoo.....

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Old 07-18-2007, 03:53 AM   #3
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My 94 Merc. 115hp 2 stroke is pretty rough under 1000RPM. Especially right after running wide open. Not sure if it's Normal, but I live with it.

On my motor WOT should be 4850-5250. So yours seems to be close to that. Your speed is probably more a prop issue. What size is on there now and how do you intend to use the boat. When I switched from a 12 3/4x21P to a 13x19P my speed dropped off alot.

Check out this page for part numbers.
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Old 07-18-2007, 07:37 AM   #4
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Thank you for the info. I'll go check the trim sensor area in the morning. If anyone has an idiot picture of it I'd love to see it.

As for the prop I have no idea. I did ask the last owner if he'd changed it and he said its the orginal one that came with the boat.

I'll read the shop manual I have for the engine and find out what the head bolt torque specs should be and maybe re-torque them.
1996 Maxum 1700MF
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Old 07-25-2007, 04:52 AM   #5
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Okay so using MS paint can someone circle where I need to be looking for this tilt gauge sensor and e-mail me back.

I can't find anything that looks like a sensor with wires!!
1996 Maxum 1700MF
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