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Old 02-19-2010, 10:37 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Almere, Netherlands
Posts: 710
Default fishing

Four men walk for weeks to plan how they would each have their spouse
convince them once a weekend with friends to go to
hunting and fishing. After many weeks of thinking and discussions, the plans became
concrete. Only the wife of Jean, would not let him go.
A bit disappointed to leave the others the very next Saturday
early for their weekend fishing and hunting. When they approached a town on the edge of the forest,
arrive near a river, aware they want to save their camp, they see
to their surprise, already a tent, lit a campfire,
Jean above a freshly caught fish is ready.
The other men were surprised and delighted to welcome their friend Jean,
but also curious about what Jean had to do to may go.
One asks: "Since when are you here?" and the other calls
"How did you manage it from your wife?"
Jean replied: "Yesterday, early in the evening, I sat, seemingly sad
in my chair. Suddenly I felt warm hands on my eyes and chubby
my wife said: 'k will also soon deliver a better mood! "
I looked up and saw my wife dressed in sexy lingerie. In her eyes
they are a mischievous look, which I had not seen for years. She took
my hand and led me into the room. There were more than ten
candles to burn and spread also a special smell.
Exciting flavors, says my wife. She gave me her handcuffs and asked me
to the bed in chains. I have done it then.
And she said: "And now you can do what you want!"
And voilą, here I am!

txs to google translations
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