Back story, don't we all have them
We bought a 1983 20' Bayliner Capri back in June 2012 after I retired for the second time

It was the perfect starter boat for us to decide if we would use it often enough to warrant the costs ...
The little Cuddy served us well we loved it and ended up selling it for exactly the amount we paid for it last Sept.. We sold it to a couple that was doing to same thing we had done.. They were looking for a starter boat to get them out on the big lake.
Sometime around Nov we found a 2000 Maxum 2400 SCR for sale down in Colorado the price seemed fair the pics looked great and I sent my Sis and BiL to go take a look at the boat..
They sent us pics back that looked like they were from two different boats

turned out the Craigslist ad was using the pics from when they bought the boat not recent ones.
Over the winter and into spring and early summer we have been shopping ..
We found a new Godfrey 22' Pontoon that we were seriously considering.. We were actually getting all the finances in order to make an offer on it..
We decided to rent a Pontoon this past weekend to help make up our mind about it..
I happened to check CL up[ here and Boom there is a 2000 Maxum 2400SCR for sale dock here at our lake.. Everything looks good so we went and took a look and a ride on Sat..
Even better then we had hoped for as this one has the 5.7L and Bravo III out drive rather then the 5.0L and Alpha 1 like the CO boat had..
We take the Pontoon out all day Sun with almost the same chop on the water and HATED it..
Called the people with the Maxum made what I figured was a Fair offer and they thought so too as we are making the arraignments to do paperwork and take possession of the boat tomorrow or Friday..
I am sure I will find a few fixies that I will get to do after season so will be posting many questions as they arise..
Looking forward to being Maxum owners