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Old 10-04-2011, 04:14 PM   #1

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Thumbs up a day in my life

yesterday sucked ....and I mean big sucky sounds sucked!!!! off work yesterday and after picking marsha up went home...short drive ..only about a mile and a half to get there....
got home and was waiting for this guy to show up so I can get an estimate for new garage doors...ours is about 15 yrs old..wooden..and I've always hated them...I finally realized he wasn't coming at 6pm so..went to the hobby shop to get a new batt. for my huge helo....these aren't cheap either...32 bucks with tax for a lipo batt....dang...anyway...stuck it on the charger and decided to make sure everything was working ok after the charge..boy!! about a wakeup call!!!....there is a setting on this thing that gives it full power when you hit the switch!! control your alt. and speed via the collective...which means this thing is fully aerobatic!!!...finally got that part shut down ....had to dig my shorts out of my butt from it sucking in so fast!!...all I was gonna do is check the controls and see if the motor would turn idle!!!...(I never knew my butt would suck it up at super sonic speeds!!!!..hahaha..)..hemmingways...I shoulda just unplugged the wire to the motor but nope...I can do this at idle in the family ...idle for this thing is like a bizillion went I was flexing the controls all of a sudden this thing decides to destroy itself....rotor strike onto the tail boom and it exploded in the family room...I was picking up parts for over an hr...well....that pi$$ed me off....especially after I just bought a new batt. for 32 it's gonna cost me a couple hundred bucks to rebuild the stoopid thing...and I still haven't gotten it off the ground in something like 5 yrs....

ok..I give up...take my evening pills....grab a glass of chocolate milk(it was either that or a shot of whiskey.....guess I chose correctly this time)...watched the remainder of what was on tv...and went to'm pretty fall asleep pretty quickly but my 2 braincells are rattling about what I did or didn't do with the helo to cause such a catastrophic failure...
3am.....we hear this beep and both dogs freak out ..I find myself trying to part a dog off my face!!!...another beep...finaly figure it out from a dead sleep that the batt's in the smoke detector has died....WHERE IN THE WORLD IS THERE A RULE BY THE MANUFACTURERS THAT STATES....SMOKE DETECTOR BATTS WILL ALWAYS FAIL AT 3AM??????..EVERY STINKING TIME THAT THING DIES...IT DIES AT 3AM !!!!
so..after prying a dog off my head....and calming the other one down some ....I finally stumble over and climb the banister of the 2nd floor...(thinking in my stupor..this might not be a good idea)..but managed to get the stupid smoke detector off it's mount on the 5th or 6th try.....finally pry not 1 but 2 batts out of the holder and it still beeps about 4 or 5 more times before it dies.!!!!......REALLY?????....your gonna sit there and continue to beep at me for a few minutes??? stops...
go calm the dogs back down again..beeping is over....
back to bed.....damned helo parts dancing in my head until sometime in the nite I wake myself up with a nightmare and kicking the crap out of marsha instead of the bad guy in my dream!!!!.......
finally get back to sleep after making sure marsha is ok and about the time I'm finally starting to relax....the alarm goes off......uffdah!!..are you kidding me???'s 5:45 already???....draaaag myself out of bed and stumble downstairs to let the kids out for another potty break.....come back upstairs to take my morning shower and I never knew I could sleep standing up in the shower before!!!....marsha had to wake me up!! the shower...

at work now but don't know if I'll stay awake all day!!

yep...sometimes you bite the bear..sometimes the bear bites you...yesterday I got bit....was it a full moon last nite????


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Old 10-04-2011, 05:48 PM   #2

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The nice part about being an imsomniac is, when this stuff happens, it only interrupts the bad movie that I'm watching. BTW- the dog bit is hysterical, but I hesitate to laugh at your pain.

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Old 10-04-2011, 05:54 PM   #3

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go head and laugh....everybody else does.........

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I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!

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Old 10-04-2011, 05:56 PM   #4
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Wow, wouldn't wish that on anyone!
Side note, anyone with an RV better keep an eye on your LP Gas Leak detector. Just like your smoke detector, those like to fail around 2-3 AM as well (ask me how I know!).

On your garage door, do you have that standard wood door with the inset panels? If so, I replaced mine with a CHI door. They make an exact look replacement that is steel with full insulation. It is a nice door and did not break the bank (think it was $1100 with new opener too). I think it was the 2250 model but may be off as it was 5 years ago I did it
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Old 10-04-2011, 08:33 PM   #5

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To recap: You evidently pissed off the garage door guy (or he wouldda shown up), destroy a miracle of engineering brilliance, go to war with a defenseless alarm device, scare the crap out of the dogs, AND beat up your wife.

It's official then, Steve, you don't do anything half-assed.

We've all had those days - the days which, in restrospect, we realize that we should never have gotten outta bed in the morning.

I know what you mean about the smoke detectors. During the process of finishing my basement, during which included the installation of smoke detectors, I decided it would be a good idea to up-grade all the smoke detectors to 120V/9V units that were interconnected - one goes off they all go off. A dull saw blade, or sweating some copper joints will trip those things and boy, those suckers are loud ALL OVER the house. Scares the poor old dog to death. Even the chirping of one when the battery gets low sets him to shaking.

Replaced our G door with a fully insulated unit over 5 years ago (previous was wood). Man, goes a long way in keeping the garage at a more even temperature.
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Old 10-04-2011, 08:55 PM   #6

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"It's official then, Steve, you don't do anything half-assed."

nope...I believe if your gonna EFF it up....EFF it up good so you really have a good excuse!!!!
.believe it or not...I get in to work today and have an email from the yard that did the repairs from my last adventure ..they still are waiting for a final check for the repairs....but the insurance agent doesn't know what the final bill is for!!! just keeps getting better and better....


Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
SSN683 Association member
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2008 Bayliner 340 - "Wild Whim"
I live in my own little world....but it's okay-they know me here!!!

Avid practitioner of the martial art: KLIK-PAO.

Anyone that sez "Size doesn't matter" has never owned a boat!
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